An illuminated general meeting…
As part of the annual General Assembly of the Regional Council of the Ordre des Experts Comptables d’Alsace, we have designed an event concept to ensure that this statutory meeting provides its members with a new memorable experience that brings them together and is in step with the times.
Our concept: light.
Because the chartered accountant is the one who anticipates, accompanies, guides, warns… He visualizes, shines, clarifies, brings to light, shines, reflects, watches… His profession illuminates the life of companies, of their managers, of the economy…
Based on the course of the day, we defined a whole series of scenography, visual, publishing and dressing signals for the high points (AGMs and festivities) by using the visual of the pop light bulb. Colors, key words displayed, intervention of a brilliant animator Margot LAGLEIZE and a luminous staging by the interior designers Studio Petit Martin.